So I'm back to math reality and realize that it's probably better to hire someone to take this class for me rather than be mad all day every day because I am so challenged it's not funny. ANY TAKERS? Okay, so that's just a fleeting thought that I won't really pursue (no matter how much I really want to). After lots of brick walls hit, I'm taking a break from math. Defeated somewhat, but not broken, I'm deciding to let it go for now. Liberating! Surprisingly, I felt a sense of relief and clarity that just made me feel like that Claratin commercial...all of a sudden everything felt clearer and I could breathe easy! Ahhhhhh ;)
I now have a new-found liberty and freedom that feels so good! Call it a mini-vacation from school right now and I'm enjoying just working and living without the added component of school. I went home and enjoyed sitting on the deck with the wind blowing through my hair reading a book on my tablet and Belle wandering beside me. Everywhere I look there are trees just swaying back and forth, the worker bees chasing each other, and birds with vast wing spans soaring above my head like kites. No sounds of horns honking, people talking loudly to one another, no cars honking or even the sound of loud motorcycles or car exhausts...just outside sounds of wind and nothing else. It's one of those times when I wished I had a wind chime just blowing and sending off a "zen-like" sound through the air. I honestly feel like I'm in another time and another place when I'm sitting there. It's totally peaceful and I always feel so refreshed and happy after taking a little time to sit out there.
So I'm going to take this time and enjoy the break from school and soak up the springtime and all the colors. I'm even going to plant a little herb garden and attach it to my deck so I can walk to the patio and grab whatever herbs I want for cooking which will be an accomplishment because I have a black thumb in the garden but nonetheless, there will be an attempt.
Through the days of Spring, there will be the scents of freshly cut green grass, visions of daffodils, tulips, pansies, weeping willows bursting forth in greenery the sounds of tractors plowing their fields and the sights of horses walking in the grassy patches, cows grazing in the fields, and goats and sheep grazing within their boundaries. Nothing but country for a girl removed from the city...and this is oh so nice to me! Swing open the windows and let the breezes blow throughout the house! Spring is here so soak it up and enjoy it in all it's blossoms!
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